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// Posted by :YoH Blogs // On :Sunday 15 October 2017

Hello Saiyans!

I was shocked as much as you are once I found out that Ultra Instinct is a real thing that exists in our world!

Yes... This is no BS. Instinct is actually present in all of us, mostly in Animals because their intelligence has not evolved as much as ours.
Instinct is your bodied knowledge regardless of your minds knowledge.

Its kind of hard to explain but, for example a certain repetitive pattern of movement will be engraved in your muscle memory, AKA instinct. Once your muscles / body learns those patterns it can predict everything similar to it and than your body acts on its own without involving your mind at all.

If you fuse your instincts with reflexes, and if you train your body to be fast and strong, you could achieve something similar to Ultra instinct.

The best example of "NOW" is Conor Mcgregor. He has a built in instinct and is familiar with the movements of his opponents that he could counter them and have perfect precise shots.
Conor is no where as strong as most of the guys, but he has that Instinct and reflexes that grant him the edge in most of his battles.

But the over all master of "Ultra Instinct" Is Bruce Lee. He was the closest one to achieve pure ultra instinct. Bruce Lee was aware of this and he spoke of it so much and even tried implementing these methods of fighting in movies.

He said: " A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready, not thinking yet not dreaming, ready for what ever may come, when they expand I contracts, and when he contracts I expand... And when there is an opportunity I do not hit, it hits by itself. "

Ok, back to Dragon Ball. A perfect warrior / martial artist, does not act on what his mind tells him, but rather keeps his mind as calm as possible and just leave his body to it.

I have read a ton of literature regarding this, and it is most possible to achieve.

But one key thing is present, which could sound at first very contradictory..
Before you can master Ultra Instinct, you will need to train your MIND/ BRAIN to be passive and to be relaxed at all times. So you would need to do a lot of meditation in order to train your mind not to interfere with your body.
So In order to become a monster, you will first need to become a plant.

If this post gets a lot of traffic and if you guys DM me on Instagram @new.planet.vegeta about it just enough times, I will write a detailed post on how to master instinct and than dip into ULTRA INSTINCT.

Who knows what can you achieve with ultra instinct.... Become a super human

Dragon Ball Super Ep. 111 English:

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